Harmony Dye-VL

 Harmony Dye-VL / DL

& Photofacial


What Does a

Harmony Dye-VL / DL Do?

Alma Lasers' Dye-VL combines Pulsed Dye Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to create the new “Gold Standard” for treatment of a variety of skin conditions such as sunspots/sun damage, perioral dermatitis, facial redness, and much more! It combines two trusted technologies: Pulsed DYE laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). Treat yourself to the new "Gold Standard" of skin condition treatments!

Being born with vascular lesions doesn't mean you have to live with them.

Blast away birthmarks or lesions you want to get rid of with our Harmony XL laser.

Treatment Areas

Vascular Lesions

Pigmented Lesions



What to Expect

DYE-VL/DL provides safe, effective, and consistent results while maximizing patient comfort and minimizing unwanted side effects.

We recommend a series of treatments every four weeks for a minimum of 3 treatments. Some skin conditions prove particularly stubborn and may need additional treatments.

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